Event schedule


April 17 (Mon)

Cafe De Overkant
Drinks (at own expense)

For those who already arrived and feel like meeting with other conference participants, we suggest going to this bar downtown. Drinks are at your own expense. The LOC is also planning to go here after finishing the venue preparations. Don't forget to wear some QGIS clothes or accessories! For example from the QGIS shop qgis.myspreadshop.net.

April 18 (Tue) - User Conference day 1

QGIS.org - The importance of seeding
  • Marco Bernasocchi OPENGIS.ch

Mergin Maps platform for data collection
  • Saber Razmjooei Lutra Consulting

Publishing Maps with QGIS Server
  • Nina Jakobs GEO-Consultant & UI/UX Designer at GeoNovation

QGIS for Hydrological Applications
  • Hans van der Kwast IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

Making a promotion film using QGIS
  • Derek van Bochove & Quinten Dengerink consultants at Geon bv

QGIS Uses for Environmental Remediation
  • Nathan Smail Sevenson Environmental Services, GIS Specialist


From fieldwork to NDFF using Mergin Maps
  • Coen Nengerman GIS Engineer at Spatial Explorers BV

Publishing difficult? Not with the Bridge plugin!
  • Jonna Bosch GeoCat - Title: Training & Consultancy

Pandapower QGIS Plugin
  • Mike Vogt Fraunhofer IEE

Advanced workflows with Mergin Maps
  • Martin Dobias CTO @ Lutra Consulting Ltd

Lunch Break
Field Data Collection with QGIS and Mergin Maps
  • Saber Razmjooei Lutra Consulting

  • Kurt Menke Septima

News from QField - audio, video, map rotation and so much more
  • Matthias Kuhn OPENGIS.ch

Automating infographics for 9000 schools in The Netherlands: the QGIS way
  • Dirk Voets Cobra Groeninzicht

QGIS for Hydrological Applications
  • Hans van der Kwast IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

Working with QGIS Server
  • Tudor Bărăscu QCooperative

  • Alessandro Pasotti QCooperative


QFieldCloud - efficient collaboration in the field
  • Marco Bernasocchi OPENGIS.ch

Testing Spatial Data using QGIS and PyTest
  • Michal Pilarski Boeing, Software Engineer and GIS analyst

QRcat - an application to simulate chemical accidents
  • Andreas Neumann Canton Solothurn, Department of Geoinformation

Coffee Break

The best time to chat with speakers and attendees

Field Data Collection with QGIS and Mergin Maps
  • Saber Razmjooei Lutra Consulting

  • Kurt Menke Septima

State of the PCRaster Tools plugin
  • Hans van der Kwast IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

Using QGIS and PostGIS to map mobile "Dead spots" for potential government funding
  • Immo Blecher Mobilfunkinfrastrukturgesellschaft, Geodata-Analyst

Working with QGIS Server
  • Tudor Bărăscu QCooperative

  • Alessandro Pasotti QCooperative


Monitoring Crop Water Productivity in the Mitidja Plain, Algeria using FAO WaPOR Data and QGIS
  • Zoubida NEMER PhD student in Geophysics at the University of sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene Algeria.

Finding small-scale sport spots in suburban areas using QGIS
  • Philipp Schüller Gemeinde Fredersdorf-Vogelsdorf

Equity Assessment in Transboundary Water Resources Management Using Remote Sensing Data and QGIS
  • Suzan Dehati IHE Delft institute for water education

Development of GIS Location finder module for Urban Upgrading Areas in Egypt
  • Berit Mohr GFA Consulting Group GmbH, GIS Consultant

2022 Brings Two New QGIS Books
  • Kurt Menke Septima

Speech by the Alderman of the city of 's-Hertogenbosch, while drinks are being served
Downtown Dinner (optional)

April 19 (Wed) - User Conference day 2

How QGIS assists the humanitarian work of Red Cross
  • Angelina Savchuk 510, Netherlands Red Cross, Information Manager

Point clouds in QGIS: Now with Processing integration!
  • Martin Dobias CTO @ Lutra Consulting Ltd

3Di Modeller Interface: using QGIS as a platform for a full-feature hydrodynamic modelling interface
  • Leendert van Wolfswinkel Product Owner 3Di Modeller Interface, Nelen & Schuurmans

QGIS Automation using Actions
  • Ujaval Gandhi Founder, Spatial Thoughts

Five cartographic feats for which I used to use Illustrator
  • Winifred Broeder Independent cartographer @ Landkaartje

QGIS in Education BoF
  • Kurt Menke Septima

  • Hans van der Kwast IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

Latest and future improvements in handling of 3D data in QGIS
  • Stefanos Natsis Lutra Consulting ltd, software developer

Effortless GIS, CAD & BIM data exchange with Speckle
  • Kateryna Konieva Speckle Systems

The world's largest radio telescope in QGIS
  • Tammo Jan Dijkema ASTRON Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy

Lunch Break

How to be an ally
  • Caroline Robinson Unite Lead, Executive Board Member, Women+ in Geospatial

Spatially filtering your project's layers for more efficient workflows
  • Johannes Kröger WhereGroup GmbH

QGIS Automation using Actions
  • Ujaval Gandhi Founder, Spatial Thoughts

QField and QFieldCloud - collaborate efficiently in the field
  • Marco Bernasocchi OPENGIS.ch

QGIS 3D, LiDAR Point Clouds and the Profile Tool
  • Andreas Neumann Canton Solothurn, Department of Geoinformation


Politics and QGIS: open source legislative reapportionment
  • John Holden Consultant, Statto Consulting

  • Blake Esselstyn Consulting geographer and demographer

Implementing a 'QGIS-365' like environment to work together on GIS projects from different locations
  • Arendjan van der Neut Generation.energy - GIS specialist

Kart: Practical Data Versioning for rasters, vectors, tables, and point clouds; in QGIS
  • Robert Coup Head of Technology at Koordinates

Coffee Break

The best time to chat with speakers and attendees

Airport local air quality studies using QGIS
  • Stavros Stromatas Eurocontrol

QGIS in Art and Design, a journey towards 3D hardwood maps
  • Nick Verwaal MAPLAB, Creative Director

QField and QFieldCloud - collaborate efficiently in the field
  • Marco Bernasocchi OPENGIS.ch

QGIS 3D, LiDAR Point Clouds and the Profile Tool
  • Andreas Neumann Canton Solothurn, Department of Geoinformation


Imaging spectroscopy data in QGIS: challenges and opportunities
  • Benjamin Jakimow Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany

Being a big Open Source project: a discussion with QGIS and Blender
  • dr. Sybren A. Stüvel Blender, software developer

Introducing Spectral Properties for Earth Observation Data for Interactive Visualization in the EnMAP-Box 3 Plugin
  • Andreas Janz Humboldt-University zu Berlin

QGIS Applications for Urban and Regional Planning
  • Ujaval Gandhi Founder, Spatial Thoughts

Closing ceremony, while drinks are -of course- being served

April 20 (Thu) - Onboarding Day

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Contributor Meeting
Getting around in the QGIS community
  • Marco Bernasocchi OPENGIS.ch

Compiling QGIS
  • Matthias Kuhn OPENGIS.ch

Contributor Meeting
Translating QGIS
  • Carlos López Quintanilla

Compiling QGIS
  • Matthias Kuhn OPENGIS.ch

Contributor Meeting
Documentation system and process
Lunch Break
Making your first Pull Request to QGIS
  • Alessandro Pasotti QCooperative

Contributor Meeting
Edit the documentation online on GitHub
Create QGIS issues and feature requests
  • Jorge Gustavo

Contributor Meeting
Building documentation on your local machine
  • Tudor Bărăscu QCooperative

Contributor Meeting

April 21 (Fri) - Contributor Meeting

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Contributor Meeting
Contributor Meeting
Contributor Meeting

April 22 (Sat) - Contributor Meeting

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Contributor Meeting
Contributor Meeting
Contributor Meeting

April 23 (Sun)- Contributor Meeting

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Contributor Meeting
Contributor Meeting